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Technology Review: Zip Grade

October 28, 2016

Here is a short (only a minute) video about how Zip grade works.


Not only has zip grade increased the speed I can grade (no more need to wait until planning to walk to the scantron machine) but how I understand my student’s performance. Here are some of my favorite features on the assessment report. 

Grade Distribution Graph

I know that a lot of grade books also have a similar feature but what I like is that I can scan all of my sections into one graph and then filter results. This allows me to compare the individual sections of my class to look for differences in instruction  that might be impacting scores. 

Test Item Analysis

This is my favorite feature and what got me to try Zip grade in the first place. Each test item includes not just the percentage of students who answered correctly but the percentages for all answer choices. This feature has allowed me to better understand where I need to focus review and has even identified incorrectly keyed items. 


There is a little bit of set up as you load each student into the program but it isn’t excessive. The price, 100 scans per year free or $6.99 for unlimited, is very minimal. Plus printing zip grade scantrons is less expensive than traditional scantrons. 

Zip grade allows me to analyze student performance and test validity quickly. I would recommend this product to any teacher who uses multiple choice assessments regularly.

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