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Another school year is about to start, another adventure is about to begin………

August 5, 2016

The school year is almost upon us and I, like many teachers, am savoring the last few days of summer. Even though we don’t start till Monday, we’ve already begun mentally planning and preparing for what we need to accomplish next week before the students come back. Some of us have already started meetings and working to move classrooms.

There is an almost palpable excitement at the beginning of the school year. The school looks fresh and clean. Students and teachers are well rested and mentally refreshed (hopefully.) The beginning of so many possibilities. With another year of experience under my belt, I’m always excited to see if changes I’ve made to my curriculum improve the course. If new projects and procedures help improve our classroom environment. If new lesson plans and examples can help students connect to the content in a more meaningful way. Another school year is about to start, another adventure is about to begin………

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